Monday, September 10, 2012

Letter to Jason Zinser By: Gissele Beltran

Dear Jason Zinser,

My name is Gissele Beltran, I recently read your article, The Good,

the Bad, and The Daily Show, and was very interested by your response

regarding the show. I would like to begin by introducing myself, again my

name is Gissele Beltran I am a freshman at California State University,

Northridge and am very fond of The Daily Show, I feel like you back up

your opinions. I agree with your statement that “fake” news have their pros

& cons. The virtues as you describe them, are pretty much reasonable, I feel

like you did an amazing job explaining why “fake” news can be beneficial,

such as; its appeal to a different population, its relevance, its objectivity, and

the fact that they’re not afraid to offend anything such as political parties,

religion, and even the individual person. In my opinion, The Daily Show

truly does appeal to others, mostly due to its comedic flair, but also because

it actually delivers the news, and people want to pay attention to what’s

being said. You also happened to mention that The Daily Show, “imparts a

kind of knowledge that traditional news can’t”, which is very true and is

probably why people like it so much, and also like I said before, The Daily

Show doesn’t care to offend certain groups or individuals. Now of course

you offered the virtues of The Daily Show, but you also mention the vices,

which in my opinion were very beneficial. I think one of the biggest issue

with these so called “fake news, are the fact that some might find them

misleading. Although The Daily Show is both entertaining and informing to

the public. I feel like that they don’t really focus on the issue at hand, but

lightly shed the light on it, and calling it a news report. I also like how you

questioned the responsibility and accuracy of the “fake” news. I mean of

course there delivering current news, but are they really getting to the point.

I agree that in order to create a “fake” news cast, they must first see the

traditional news, so it’s not really an alternative just a different perspective.

Again your insight regarding The Daily Show was very interesting, I am

very happy to say that indeed there are good and bad things that come from

this form of news cast, that may or may not be helpful to others. Thank you

so much for your article Mr. Zinser.

1 comment:

  1. Gissele, I really found your response to be thoughtful. I hope to see this kind of detailed reasoning in your next letter.
